London General Branch is an active and growing branch of the IWW. We are centered in London but we also have active groups in nearby towns. We welcome all workers, students, retirees, and unemployed to join.
Members from the branch are involved, also, in various groups around London.

Organising in and around London
If you wish to organise at your workplace or help organise your industry, please contact us. Our volunteers are experienced and committed. They will help you build a union presence on the job. They will help you develop innovative direct action with sound legal knowledge on disciplinary and grievance issues. We are also active in nearby towns outside London, such as Brentwood, Croydon, Milton Keynes and Watford.
The IWW offers:
- good advice
- solid support
- a friendly community of activists.
We pride ourselves on autonomy, militancy, and solidarity.
Monthly Meetings: every second Tuesday of the month
Also, you can find us doing working sessions every Tuesday from 7 to 9 PM
London IWW meets every second Tuesday of the month from 7 to 9 PM, in 88 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1DH (nearest tube Blackfriars). For directions, see If you have any special needs, please contact us. We will do our utmost to meet your requirements. If you have children, you are welcome to bring them to the meeting.
Requesting Help
If you need help from the union then please try to provide as much information as possible in your first email and quote your membership number, it is on the red card you received in the post. If you don’t know your number, please use the full name you used to sign up with us so we can verify your membership. It is also useful to provide a mobile number and rough location so our organisers can get in contact directly/ know where to travel if needed. Documents that should be provided may include:
- A copy of your contract (this may be an official document, or it may be a text, email, or whatsapp conversation offering work, screenshots of this may still constitute a valid contract).
- A copy of your employee handbook
- A copy of the company’s disciplinary procedures
- Screenshots of all relevant communications relating to your current case
We recognise that not all workplaces will provide these things, please provide whatever you can but if you’re in doubt send it anyway as we can never have too much information. If the information includes phone numbers or personal data from people other than yourself please try to censor them as the union does not have permission to handle this data. Your information will be stored securely and will not be passed on without your explicit consent.
If you are unsure whether we can help you and don’t want to send this information in the first instance please prepare it anyway so you can send it as soon as we accept your case.
The IWW recognises that allies come in many different kinds. If you are a manager/supervisor and believe in the mission of the IWW, and also wish for the support of the IWW we humbly request that you recommend us to the rank and file workers of your shop floor, but we regret to inform you that we cannot represent you personally because of the conflict of interest between managers and the average worker. Simply put: we do not represent those with the ability to hire, fire, and/or discipline other workers. If you still wish to support the union and what we stand for, consider making a donation, prepare to support a union campaign in your workplace, and always resist union busting from the higher-ups.