Northumbria IWW are a vibrant branch active in the North-East of England from the Scottish Borders to the River Tees, with groups of members spread out throughout the area. We have been active in the community since 2018 and our diverse membership have assisted in a number of causes both locally and globally.
Workplace Representation
Northumbria IWW has a selection of workplace reps that can advise and represent workers in a variety of cases. We also offer rep training and a view inside the work of helping your fellow workers.
Branch Member Support
If you or a fellow worker requires any financial support please get in touch; northumbria [at] iww [dot] org [dot] uk and we may be able to help out.
Workplace Organising
Northumbria IWW have hosted workplace organising courses to the wider union as well as branch specific, if you would like to learn the tools to rebalance the power in your workplace you can attend one of those courses hosted regularly throughout the year. If you want to get organiser training from our branch, either email us or follow us on social media to see when trainings are announced! Members will receive an email when we are running trainings.
Details of Meetings
Meetings are held on an as needed basis, keep an eye out on your email for details of any upcoming meetings!
Solidarity Forever!