Voting is now open for the 2024 IWW WISE-RA Regional Administration Officer Elections, from the 2nd of March 2024 until Sunday 17th March 2024 23:59 UK time.

Last year we held elections to fill the key posts such as those of Secretary, Membership Officer, Treasurer, DEC Chair and Organising Dept Chair, namely among others, but there still remains a large number of positions that need to be filled. In addition, due to the current Organising Department Chair, and one of the union Co-Secretaries stepping down, we’ll also need to re-fill those positions this year.

Hopefully many of you will step up to support our union. We hope that those of you elected to these important roles will come into these posts with a willingness to look at what we can do better; those that come after you will benefit from the work you put in now to make our union’s democracy more accessible and sustainable.

Fellow Workers, your Union needs you! Let’s all step up and help the work along!



  • Opening of nominations on 18 January 2024. Candidates to self-register and submit candidate statements via IWW WISE-RA nominations & elections website.
  • Q&A Meeting about posts: Tuesday 27th February, 8.30pm – 9.30pm via Zoom. To be announced via email.
  • Close of nominations on 29th February 2024 at 23:59 PM, and voting opens 2nd March 2024.
  • 16th March 2024 voting closes. Results announced and newly elected officer on-boarded as soon as possible after.
  • New Officers meeting, Date To be Announced, in March 2024.


  • In 2022 the DEC made the WISE-RA Secretariat a shared role held by two Co-Secretaries. Both Co-Secretary positions are to be held for 2-year-long, overlapping tenures. Elections for each position are to be held in a staggered manner every year. One Co-Secretary position can be held by any member, the other position must be filled by a FINT (Female, Inter, Non-binary or Trans) member.

The currently tenured Co-Secretary is holding the general membership position and has one more year to go.

The Co-Secretary position that needs to be filled and elected during this election is the 2-year tenured position to be filled by a FINT member.

  • We’re also advertising a 2-year Membership Co-Officer position for this election, to assist the current Membership Officer, who was elected last year and has another year to go.
  • We’re advertising two 2-year positions for Data Protection Delegates who will participate with a number of other Regional Officers in a Data Protection Committee, replacing the previous solo role of Data Protection Officer.
  • All other officer positions advertised are solo positions with 2-year tenures, but candidates have the option to agree that the two candidates with the most votes will take on the role together as co-officers (both for 2-year tenures).

If there are multiple candidates for a position, the election committee will ask the candidates if they agree to run for a co-officership. If all candidates agree, then voters will be asked to indicate their two preferred candidates during the election, and the position will be held as a co-officership by the two candidates with the highest vote count. If any candidate rejects the option of a co-officership, then only one candidate will be elected to the post.

  • Members can only self-nominate as a candidate and cannot nominate another member as a candidate.
  • Each member can only stand for a single position.


Candidate statements should not exceed 300 words. Statements should include:

  • The candidate’s name as registered with the IWW, and what position they are standing for, at the beginning of the statement.
  • Any relevant background information about themself, including relevant background and personal history as an IWW member.
  • Information about their skills and experience as relevant to the role, and any other relevant/qualifying criteria they meet, namely, whether they meet any of the skills or criteria listed in the ‘suggested skills’ section for each position in the Role Descriptions document.
  • An outline of what they plan to do in the role / any specific program they propose to implement, and why they think members should elect them.


WISE-RA Co-Secretary (FINT member)

Must be a FINT (Female, Inter, Non-binary or Trans) member.

Suggested Skills

  • Experience convening and facilitating meetings.
  • Responsiveness to emails, messsaging and phone calls. Able to respond to urgent matters promptly.
  • A willingness and ability to engage, communicate, and constructively resolve issues and differences.

What the role entails

  • The RA Co-Secretaries will call and chair meetings of the IWW Administration Department, compile the agenda including receiving reports, and share minutes.
  • General oversight and coordination of the work of the Admin Dept, which includes the Membership Admin Team, Treasurer & Finance Admin, Legal Officer, Data Protection Committee, International Solidarity Officer, IT Committee and Communications Administrator.
  • Responsibility and general oversight over all aspects of legal compliance.
  • Liaising with all officers to make sure all parts of the Regional Administration and all branches are administratively functional and have key officer positions filled. Providing support for branches & committees/departments that are struggling.
  • Recruiting acting officers for key vacant posts, pending elections.
  • General oversight of the work of all contractors.
  • Managing the Secretary email, responding to queries, especially external correspondence from other organisations and non-members. Referring to appropriate Officers, Branches & Departments for issues raised which are more appropriately dealt with them e.g., workplace representation, organising drives.
  • Coordinating the compilation of records of DEC and Conference minutes and updating of the Rule Book and MOPP (Manual of Policies and Practices) with new rules & policies decided at DEC meetings or Conference. Updating and storing files containing DEC and Conference minutes, and files containing up-to-date copies of the Rule Book and MOPP, on the WISE-RA NextCloud file repository.
  • Acting as a spokesperson and representative for the union.
  • Communicating on behalf of the union, and representing the union before the Certification Officer and other authorities and organisations.
  • Reporting to the DEC on the work of the Admin dept and submitting reports and requests relating to dept budget.
  • Liaising with the union’s nominated solicitors and the union Legal Officer and Casework Coordinator. Approving cases to be handled by solicitors, and their funding.
  • Working with the Complaints Officer in receiving and handling complaints.
  • Working as part of the Data Protection Committee in handling data protection requests, complaints, and data breaches.
  • Working with the RA Treasurer and Finance Admin to ensure the completion of the Annual Statement of Accounts and Audit Report and its submission to the Certification Officer, and coordinate with the Comms Admin to ensure that the report is duly sent out to all members.

Membership Co-Officer

One position. 2-year tenure.

Suggested Skills

  • Preferable to have prior knowledge of CiviCRM & databases or have been a Branch Membership Officer. Database training will be provided.
  • Be able to allocate several hours of your time on several occasions every week to carry out tasks or attend WISE-RA meetings.
  • Responsiveness to emails, messsaging and phone calls. Able to respond to urgent matters promptly.

What the role entails

  • Working in close coordination with the Membership Admin, Communications Admin, Finance Admin, and occasionally the IT Committee, who have specific membership administration tasks to carry out and are involved in maintaining & developing the database of members. Most of the substantive administrative work is handled by the Membership, Communications and Finance Admins.
  • Overseeing the work of the Membership Administrator as a contractor. Overseeing some aspects of the Communications Administrator’s work, as a contractor, related to membership database management.
  • The Membership co-Officers are the nominal Data Protection Officers of the union, so will work in the Data Protection Committee with the union Co-Secretaries, Legal Officer, Data Protection Delegates & the Communications Admin to decide on Data Protection requests or issues.
  • Managing the Membership Officer email. Answering & resolving questions from members, usually by email, regarding the joining process, adjusting their dues.
  • Referring to appropriate Officers, Branches & Departments issues raised by members which are more appropriately dealt with them e.g., workplace representation, organising drives.
  • Working with and overseeing the Branch, Industrial Union and Regional Organising Committee Membership Officers, and the Membership Administrator, as a Membership Administration Team. Attending & contributing to the Membership Officer quarterly meetings & Signal group. Liaising with individual Branches or Industrial Union networks, usually via Membership Officers who seek assistance to further organising
  • On occasion liaising with NARA Membership Officer and any ROC/Group in Europe, often in consultation with the International Officer, and admins for Finance, Membership & Comms.
  • Preparing a Quarterly Report for the DEC & WISERA Depts as agreed by DEC resolution.

Organising Department Chair

One position. 2-year tenure.

Suggested Skills

  • Experience of organising and facilitating online and in person meetings.
  • Workplace organising experience. Having taken the IWW workplace organising 101 course.
  • Responsiveness to emails, messsaging and phone calls. Able to respond to urgent matters promptly.

What the role entails

  • The Organising Dept Chair will call meetings of the IWW organising dept, compile the agenda including receiving reports, and share minutes.
  • Overseeing/coordinating the work of the Organising Department, which includes the Area Organisers, Industrial Network General Organisers, Branch Organisers, the RA Casework Coordinator and Casework Committee, the Training Committee, the General Defence Committee Secretary and the RA Equalities Officers.
  • General oversight/coordinating of the the development of Organising, Campaigning and Casework policies, training, and resources by the Organising Department and its component committees.
  • Recruiting acting Area or General Organiser role holders for posts that are vacant, pending elections.
  • Managing the Organising Dept email and responding to requests for support in organising workplaces.
  • Reporting to the DEC on the work of the dept and submitting reports and requests relating to dept budget.

Training Committee Secretary

One position. 2-year tenure.

Suggested Skills

  • Is an accredited IWW Trainer, having completed the IWW Training for Trainers, and has experience giving trainings.
  • Has a good understanding of IWW Training courses (Organiser Training, Rep Training, Training for Trainers).
  • Experience of organising and facilitating online and in person meetings and training.

What the role entails

  • The Training Committee Secretary will call meetings of the IWW Training Committee, compile the agenda including receiving reports, and share minutes.
  • Developing training courses/programs. Maintaining and developing training literature and resources. Facilitating access to those resources.
  • Communicating/coordinating with branches and union officers to support and serve their training needs. Coordinating with branches, union officers, and IWW trainers to organise trainings.
  • Recruiting and training new trainers.
  • Keeping an accurate record of trainings held, and trainees. Coordinating with the Communications Administrator and Casework Coordinator in the process of validating/accrediting/recording new IWW Reps and Trainers on the membership database.
  • Managing the Training Committee Secretary email and responding to requests for support.
  • Reporting to the DEC on the work of the Committee and submitting reports and requests relating to Committee budget.

Casework Coordinator

One position. 2-year tenure.

Suggested Skills

  • Has completed the IWW Rep’s Training.
  • Experience of union casework, disciplinaries, grievance meetings, employment tribunals.
  • Able to help deliver trainings and assist the running of regional and branch based casework teams.
  • Knowledge of GDPR and practices (GDPR training available).

What the role entails

  • Overseeing discussions about casework on the Regional Casework list (the Communications Admin helps adminster and update the list subscriptions).
  • Developing a network of Casework Teams across the union with the aim of providing equal and high quality representation and support to all FWs.
  • Developing the structure and running of Casework Teams.
  • Recruiting branch (acting/elected) Casework Coordinators and coordinating their work to ensure the appropriate and timely assignment of reps to take on casework.
  • Assisting in the creation and development of Casework Teams where the union has a branch without such. This will be done in coordination with the branches, Area Organisers and the Training Committee.
  • Working with the Training Committee to ensure that the training being provided is up to date and of a high quality.
  • Working with the Training Committee Secretary, Legal Officer, Communications Admin and Membership Admin to review, approve and register new accredited IWW reps.
  • Ensuring that the union has good, accessible information resources to support reps (with technical help from the Communications Admin).
  • Working with the Data Protection Committee and Communications Admin to ensure that reps are instructed in confidentiality issues and comply with data protection
  • Investigating and provide assistance to casework teams where problems exist
  • Liaising when required with the union’s nominated solicitors and the union Legal Officer and RA co-Secretaries

Communications Department Chair

One position. 2-year tenure.

Suggested Skills

  • Experience convening and facilitating meetings
  • Previous involvement with creating content for IWW literature, newsletter, social media or website
  • Editorial skills
  • Website and Social Media Content administration/curation

What the role entails

  • Focus on Communications content/relations/outreach rather than tech.
  • Scheduling, convening and chairing quarterly meetings aimed at coordinating the work done by the Literature, Newsletter, Press, Moderators, and Social Media & Website Committees, which are part of the Communications Department. Compiling and sending out the agenda and ensuring accurate minutes are kept.
  • Also coordinating with the Translation Committee (Translations is under the remit of the International Solidarity Committee Secretary) and IT Committee (part of the Admin Dept.).
  • Coordinating with other departments, committees, branches and officers to meet their communications (content/outreach) needs.
  • General oversight of Branch and IU Social Media management & practices.
  • Developing and overseeing the implementation of communications policy, in coordination with the other committee secretaries and volunteers within the Comms Dept.
  • Recruiting Fellow Workers to carry out the work of the department; recruiting acting role holders for key Comms Dept posts (e.g. Committee Secretaries) that are vacant, pending elections.
  • Providing written, and oral reports if required, to the Delegate Executive Council
  • Ensuring that the department establishes an annual budget.
  • Coordinating with the Moderators Committee, Data Protection Committee and Communications Admin to ensure compliance with data protection standards and communications channels usage policies (i.e., rules on safe and comradely communications) in the union’s communications content and communications channels.
  • Coordinating with the Moderators Committee, Equalities Officers and Access Facilitator to ensure Safer Spaces and accessibility policy compliance in communications content and channels.
  • Coordinating with the IT Committee Secretaries and Communications Admin on technical aspects of comms.
  • Overseeing the Communications Department related work of the Communications Admin as a contractor.

Data Protection Committee Delegates

Two positions. 2-year tenure.

Suggested Skills

  • Thorough understanding of GDPR and data protection legislation and practices.
  • Have the capacity to provide prompt responses and decisions about data protection/handling requests, complaints or breaches, including regular consultations/questions from the Communications Admin (via email and Signal Chat).
  • Willing to occasionally offer time for assisting with GDPR training.
  • Familiarity with membership databases/CRMs (the IWW uses CiviCRM).
  • Experience managing data breaches and securing information stored online.

What the role entails

  • Working as part of the Data Protection Committee alongside the union co-Secretaries, Membership co-Officers, Legal Officer, and Communications Administrator, Overseeing the protection of data and compliance with data protection laws and IWW data protection policies. In order for the IWW to function as union it must securely hold personal information on its members. The IWW holds personal information on members, and occasionally non members, for the purposes of organising. The Data Protection Committee ensures this is the case and that the union is compliant with relevant legislation and engages with the Information Commissioner’s Officer as required. The Data Protection Committee also monitors specific processes related to Data Protection as defined in the IWW Privacy and Data Protection Policy.
  • The role is concerned mainly with deliberation and decision making on data protection issues. Most of the substantive administrative work is handled by the Communications Admin.
  • Helping the committee respond to questions, requests and complaints relating to data protection and data handling.
  • Helping the committee manage responses to data breaches and communicate with the Information Commissioner’s Officer in the course of investigations.
  • Coordinating with the Membership and Communication officers and admins. Working closely with the Communications Admin in implementing data protection/management work.
  • Overseeing the data protection related work of the Communications Admin and Membership Admin as contractors.
  • Developing and regularly reviewing Union Data Protection and Data handling policies, in close coordination with the Communications Admin, Communications Department, IT Committee, Membership Officer, Administration Department, Organising department and DEC.
  • Increasing IWW members’ and role holders’ awareness of data protection, and putting in place adequate training and guidance documentation (in coordination with the Training Committee).
  • The Data Protection Committee reports to the Administrative Dept and DEC on data protection matters.

Equalities Committee Roles: Equalities Officer, BAME Officer (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic), LGBTQI+ Officer (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual and other non-heteronormative sexual identities), and Womens’ Officer.

2-year tenures for each position.

Suggested Skills

  • The Equalities Officers will self-define as FINT (Female, Inter, Non-binary or Trans), BAME (Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic), LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual and other non-heteronormative sexual identities), Neurodiverse and/or disabled as appropriate to each role.
  • Previous experience with promoting equalities issues within their specific domain and organising campaigns
  • Experience convening and facilitating meetings

What the roles entail

  • All the Regional Equalities Officers will participate and work together in meetings of the WISE-RA Equalities Committee. Compiling and sending out the agenda and ensuring accurate minutes are kept.
  • The general Equalities Officer will call, coordinate and chair meetings, compile and send out meeting agendas and ensure accurate minutes are kept. The general Equalities Officer position is a facilitation focussed role meant to keep the committee active.
  • To assist with education and implimentation of the IWW safer spaces policy and complaints procedures.
  • To be a point of contact for any members with concerns relating to BAME issues, Gender, Disability, Sexuality or other characteristics that may otherwise be overlooked.
  • To organise, identify and promote campaigns that further liberation and equality for all workers.
  • To assist with the development of trainings and educational resources on equalities issues in the workplace and union.
  • To represent the union within external equalities campaigns and conferences.
  • To work with the Equalities Committee, DEC, Organising Dept and branches on organising equalities summits.
  • Working with the Communications Officer and Moderators Committee to ensure Safer Spaces and accessibility policy compliance throughout the union’s spaces and in its communications content and channels.
  • To develop a network of regional, branch and IU FINT (Female, Intersex, Non-Binary, Trans), BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic), LGBTQI+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual and other non-heteronormative sexual identities), and Accessibility focused caucus groups and structures.

Area Organisers for: Wales, Ireland, Scotland, North England, Midlands England, South-West England and South-East England.

One position for each of the 7 Organising Areas. 2-year tenure for each.

Suggested Skills

  • Will be a member living and working within the Organising Area.
  • Able to travel on occasion to support activities within juristiction
  • Responsive to emails

What the role entails

  • Area organisers will support organising drives and campaigns in selected workplaces and industries according to the aims and objectives of the IWW.
  • Area Organisers will support the activity of the union in their respective jurisdictions and draft annual budgets as deemed necessary.
  • Area Organisers may establish a committee for their respective jurisdictions as well as host summits for their organising area, subject to the approval of the Delegate Executive Council.
  • Area Organisers will submit a quarterly report of their activities to the Organising Department.

Education Workers General Organiser

One position. 2-year tenure.

Suggested Skills

  • Will be an Education Industry Worker
  • Able to travel on occasion to support activities within juristiction
  • Responsive to emails

What the role entails

  • General organisers will support organising drives and campaigns in selected workplaces and industries according to the aims and objectives of the IWW.
  • General Organisers will support the activity of the union in their respective jurisdictions and draft annual budgets as deemed necessary.
  • General Organisers may establish a committee for their respective jurisdictions as well as host summits for their workplace or industry, subject to the approval of the Delegate Executive Council.
  • General Organisers will submit a quarterly report of their activities to the Organising Department.

Student Workers’ General Organiser

One position. 2-year tenure.

Suggested Skills

  • Will be a Student-Worker
  • Able to travel on occasion to support activities within juristiction
  • Responsive to emails

What the role entails

  • General organisers will support organising drives and campaigns in selected workplaces and industries according to the aims and objectives of the IWW.
  • General Organisers will support the activity of the union in their respective jurisdictions and draft annual budgets as deemed necessary.
  • General Organisers may establish a committee for their respective jurisdictions as well as host summits for their workplace or industry, subject to the approval of the Delegate Executive Council.
  • General Organisers will submit a quarterly report of their activities to the Organising Department.

Hospitality Workers General Organiser

One position. 2-year tenure.

Suggested Skills

  • Will be a Hospitality Industry Worker
  • Able to travel on occasion to support activities within juristiction
  • Responsive to emails

What the role entails

  • General organisers will support organising drives and campaigns in selected workplaces and industries according to the aims and objectives of the IWW.
  • General Organisers will support the activity of the union in their respective jurisdictions and draft annual budgets as deemed necessary.
  • General Organisers may establish a committee for their respective jurisdictions as well as host summits for their workplace or industry, subject to the approval of the Delegate Executive Council.
  • General Organisers will submit a quarterly report of their activities to the Organising Department.

Press Team Secretary

One position. 2-year tenure.

Suggested Skills

  • Experience convening and facilitating meetings
  • Experience in the field of press and journalism or press relations
  • Experience creating and sending out Press Releases
  • Ability to research and collect a list of press contacts.
  • Experience convening and facilitating meetings

What the role entails

  • Working with branch Comms Officers and recruiting a team of skilled volunteers to form a press team dedicated to producing press releases and developing press relations.
  • Scheduling, convening and chairing quarterly meetings aimed at coordinating the work done by the Press Committee, which is part of the Communications Department. Compiling and sending out the agenda and ensuring accurate minutes are kept.
  • Coordinating with the Translation Committee (Translations is under the remit of the International Solidarity Committee Secretary), IT Committee, Communications Admin (part of the Admin Dept), Newsletter, Social Media, and Literature Committee (both part of the Communications Dept.).
  • Coordinating with other departments, committees, and especially with branches, branch (comms) officers and workplace campaigns to meet their press relations needs.
  • Developping training press release and press relations training and resources.
  • General oversight of Branch and IU Press relations management & practices.
  • Developing and overseeing the implementation of Press relations policy.
  • Providing written, and oral reports if required, to the Delegate Executive Council
  • Coordinating with the Moderators Committee, Data Protection Committee and Communications Admin to ensure compliance with data protection standards and communications channels usage policies (i.e., rules on safe and comradely communications) in Press releases and press relations.

Literature Committee Secretary

One position. 2-year tenure.

Suggested Skills

  • Experience convening and facilitating meetings
  • Experience in the fields of literature / publishing / art / graphics / audio-video media / advertising / public relations / propaganda
  • Experience convening and facilitating meetings

What the role entails

  • Working with branch Comms Officers and recruiting a team of skilled volunteers to form a Literature Committee team dedicated to producing literature, graphical art, audio-video media, advertising, public relations and/or propaganda materials to promote the IWW and its campaigns to the public.
  • Scheduling, convening and chairing quarterly meetings aimed at coordinating the work done by the Literature Committee, which is part of the Communications Department. Compiling and sending out the agenda and ensuring accurate minutes are kept.
  • Coordinating with the Translation Committee (Translations is under the remit of the International Solidarity Committee Secretary), IT Committee, Communications Admin (part of the Admin Dept), and Newsletter, Social Media, Press and Literature Committees (all part of the Communications Dept.).
  • Coordinating with other departments, committees, and especially with branches, branch (comms) officers and workplace campaigns to meet their literature, graphics, and multimedia needs.
  • Developping literature/propaganda related training and resources.
  • General oversight of Branch and IU propaganda management & practices.
  • Developing and overseeing the implementation of Literature/propaganda policy.
  • Providing written, and oral reports if required, to the Delegate Executive Council
  • Coordinating with the Moderators Committee, Data Protection Committee and Communications Admin to ensure compliance with data protection standards and communications channels usage policies (i.e., rules on safe and comradely communications) in Literature/propaganda.

Social Media Committee Secretary

One position. 2-year tenure.

Suggested Skills

  • Experience convening and facilitating meetings
  • Experience in the fields of social-media curation and PR/outreach
  • Experience convening and facilitating meetings

What the role entails

  • Working with branch Comms Officers and recruiting a team of volunteers to form a Social Media Committee dedicated to promoting the IWW and its campaigns on social media.
  • Scheduling, convening and chairing quarterly meetings aimed at coordinating the work done by the Social Media Committee, which is part of the Communications Department. Compiling and sending out the agenda and ensuring accurate minutes are kept.
  • Coordinating with the Translation Committee (Translations is under the remit of the International Solidarity Committee Secretary), IT Committee, Communications Admin (part of the Admin Dept), and Newsletter, Press and Literature Committees (all part of the Communications Dept.).
  • Coordinating with other departments, committees, and especially with branches, branch (comms) officers and workplace campaigns to meet their social media outreach needs.
  • Developping social media related training and resources.
  • General oversight of Branch and IU social media practices.
  • Developing and overseeing the implementation of social media policy.
  • Providing written, and oral reports if required, to the Delegate Executive Council
  • Coordinating with the Moderators Committee, Data Protection Committee and Communications Admin to ensure compliance with data protection standards and communications channels usage policies (i.e., rules on safe and comradely communications) in social media.

Newsletter (‘Wildcat’) Committee Secretary

One position. 2-year tenure.

Suggested Skills

  • Experience editing or writing for a newsletter or other regular publication
  • Experience convening and facilitating meetings

What the role entails

  • Working with branch Comms Officers and volunteers of the Newsletter Committee dedicated to publishing the monthly ‘Wildcat’ Newsletter in PDF format, promoting the IWW and its campaigns to members. Recruiting new volunteers to the committee.
  • Scheduling, convening and chairing monthly meetings aimed at coordinating the work done by the Newsletter Committee, which is part of the Communications Department. Compiling and sending out the agenda and ensuring accurate minutes are kept.
  • Sending monthly call outs to members for Newsletter articles and materials.
  • Ensuring that the ‘Wildcat’ Newsletter is published and circulated to members on a monthly basis.
  • Coordinating with the Translation Committee (Translations is under the remit of the International Solidarity Committee Secretary), IT Committee, Communications Admin (part of the Admin Dept), and Social Media, Press and Literature Committees (all part of the Communications Dept.).
  • Coordinating with other departments, committees, and especially with branches, branch (comms) officers and workplace campaigns to meet their outreach needs.
  • Developping Newsletter related training and resources.
  • Developing and overseeing the implementation of Newsletter policy.
  • Providing written, and oral reports if required, to the Delegate Executive Council
  • Coordinating with the Moderators Committee, Data Protection Committee and Communications Admin to ensure compliance with data protection standards and communications channels usage policies (i.e., rules on safe and comradely communications) in the Newsletter.

Translations Committee Secretary

One position. 2-year tenure.

Suggested Skills

  • Polyglot
  • Experience with translation work
  • Experience convening and facilitating meetings

What the role entails

  • Working with branch Comms Officers and recruiting a team of volunteers with translation skills to form a Translations Committee dedicated to ensuring that the union’s materials and media are translated into all languages spoken by its members.
  • Scheduling, convening and chairing quarterly meetings aimed at coordinating the work done by the Translations Committee, which is part of the International Solidarity Committee. Compiling and sending out the agenda and ensuring accurate minutes are kept.
  • Coordinating with the International Solidarity Committee and its co-Secretaries (Translations is under the remit of the International Solidarity Committee Secretaries); Organising Department; Research Committee, IT Committee, Communications Admin (part of the Admin Dept); Equalities Committee; and Social Media, Newsletter, Press and Literature Committees (all part of the Communications Dept.).
  • Coordinating with other departments, committees, and especially with branches, branch (comms) officers and workplace campaigns to meet their translations needs.
  • Developping translations related training and resources.
  • General oversight of Branch and IU translations practices.
  • Developing and overseeing the implementation of a translations policy.
  • Providing written, and oral reports if required, to the Delegate Executive Council

Research and Survey Committee Secretary

One position. 2-year tenure.

Suggested Skills

  • Skills and Experience in Research and Survey work
  • Experience convening and facilitating meetings

What the role entails

  • Working with branch, area and Industry organisers and recruiting a team of skilled volunteers to form a Research and Survey Committee dedicated to supporting the IWW’s organising efforts with research and surveys.
  • Scheduling, convening and chairing quarterly meetings aimed at coordinating the work done by the Research and Survey Committee, which is part of the Admin Department. Compiling and sending out the agenda and ensuring accurate minutes are kept.
  • Coordinating with the Organising Department, Equalities Committee, Translation Committee, IT Committee, Regional Membership co-Officers, Paid Administrators, and Social Media, Newsletter, Press and Literature Committees (all part of the Communications Dept.).
  • Coordinating with branches and their officers, especially branch, Industry and Area Organisers and workplace campaigns to meet their Research needs.
  • Developping Research related training and resources.
  • General oversight of Branch and IU Research practices.
  • Developing and overseeing the implementation of Research policy.
  • Providing written, and oral reports if required, to the Delegate Executive Council
  • Coordinating with the Data Protection Committee and Communications Admin to ensure compliance with data protection standards and communications channels usage policies (i.e., rules on safe and comradely communications) in research and especially surveys/questionnaires and the collection of personal data.

General Defence Committee Secretary

One position. 2-year tenure.

Suggested Skills

  • Experience with pressure campaign and direct action protest organising, particularly in the fields of anti-fascism, anti-transphobia, anti-authoritarianism, anti-war, defense of union rights, etc.
  • Ability to build a network of links and contact with organisers in these fields both within and outside the IWW.
  • Experience convening and facilitating meetings

What the role entails

  • Working with branches, and with area and Industry organisers and recruiting a team of volunteers to form a General Defence Committee with a mandate to coordinate a union wide response to new anti-union laws and attacks on our members including fascists and transphobes etc.
  • Scheduling, convening and chairing quarterly meetings aimed at coordinating the work done by the Committee, which is part of the Organising Department. Compiling and sending out the agenda and ensuring accurate minutes are kept.
  • Coordinating with the other departments and committees, and with branches and their officers, especially branch, Industry and Area Organisers and workplace campaigns to meet their General Defence needs.
  • Developping GDC related training and resources.
  • General oversight of Branch and IU General Defence practices.
  • Developing and overseeing the implementation of General Defence policy.
  • Providing written, and oral reports if required, to the Delegate Executive Council
  • Coordinating with the Data Protection Committee and Communications Admin to ensure compliance with data protection standards and communications channels usage policies (i.e., rules on safe and comradely communications) in campaign activites.

Environmental Committee Secretary

One position. 2-year tenure.

Suggested Skills

  • Experience with environmental campaigning.
  • Ability to build a network of links and contact with organisers in these fields both within and outside the IWW.
  • Experience convening and facilitating meetings

What the role entails

  • Working with member-volunteers, branches, and with area and Industry organisers and recruiting a team of volunteers to form an Environmental Committee with a mandate to coordinate a union environmental policy and action.
  • Scheduling, convening and chairing quarterly meetings aimed at coordinating the work done by the Committee, which is part of the Organising Department. Compiling and sending out the agenda and ensuring accurate minutes are kept.
  • Coordinating with the other departments and committees, and with branches and their officers to coordinate environmental campaigns.
  • Developing Environmental related training and resources.
  • Developing and overseeing the implementation of Environmental policy.
  • Providing written, and oral reports if required, to the Delegate Executive Council

Transformative Justice and Complaints Committee Secretary

One position. 2-year tenure

Suggested Skills

  • Awareness of the IWW Safer Spaces Policy, and mechanisms for conflict resolution within the union, such as mediation, and the complaints procedure.
  • Awareness of Transformative Justice as a method of alternative conflict resolution
  • Experience convening and facilitating meetings

What the role entails

  • Scheduling, convening and chairing quarterly meetings aimed at coordinating the work done by the Committee, which is part of the Administration Department. Compiling and sending out the agenda and ensuring accurate minutes are kept.
  • Developing Transformative Justice and Complaints handling related training and resources.
  • Developing and overseeing the implementation of the Complaints policy.
  • Providing written, and oral reports if required, to the Delegate Executive Council
  • Coordinating with the Data Protection Committee and Communications Admin to ensure compliance with data protection standards and communications channels usage policies (i.e., rules on safe and comradely communications) in complaints handling activites.