Today PCS members across the country took part in industrial action over pay, pensions, job cuts as well as terms and conditions.  

The strike was well observed and included a rally opposite Parliament at lunchtime during the Budget speech.  At my own workplace we cut the work by 90% today and this seems a figure repeated in other areas.

PCS members have been on strike previously on the pensions issue but those strikes were sporadic and often depended on the will of other unions getting involved.  On this occasion PCS struck today and have already announced a half day strike from 1pm on 5th April unless the employer changes course.  I think we can safely assume that this is unlikely so we will picket again on Friday 5th April.  Many workplaces will not have attempted a half day strike before so there is a feeling that some organising is necessary over the next 2 weeks to ready members.  In my experience though, members are often way ahead of the bureaucracy when it comes to action so I think we will see a very successful afternoon when it comes, although we’ll still be putting the work in to prepare! 
Following 5th April PCS will start a rolling programme of action in specific areas and workplaces, with strikes roving from one employer to the next and an overtime ban across the civil service until June.  If you can support any of the pickets on April 5th please do so and show solidarity in whatever way you can.

A London IWW / PCS dual carder.