Thank you for submitting your Membership Form.

You should receive an email confirming our receipt of your submission and containing a copy of the data you submitted (please check your junk/spam folder in case it lands there).

You will be receiving your membership pack and access to the members website in due course, once your first membership payment has been processed.

If you’re transferring from an affiliated international union or IWW section, you’ll also receive an email with instructions on how to provide proof of your membership with that affiliated union.

The default method of payment is monthly direct debit via GoCardless. If you have already set up a GoCardless direct debit as part of your membership application, your IWW dues payment transactions will appear with the label “GoCardless” on your bank statement.

If you’ve opted to pay your dues later or by other means than GoCardless Direct Debit, the Membership administration team will contact you soon by email to arrange your dues payments. Once they begin processing your application you will also receive another email with further details regarding your local branch membership.

Important: if you realise that you need to make corrections or changes to your personal details, please do not request another form to resubmit a new application. Don’t worry, you can email the IWW membership administration team at any time on the contact address provided in your application / transfer / re-activation confirmation email to ask us to update your personal data or change your dues payments. Once your application is processed and your membership active, you’ll also have access to our Member’s Area website, where you’ll be able to update your personal data and change your dues payments.

Please note that it can take up to 30 days for membership applications to be fully processed and confirmed and for your membership card to be posted to you. We’ll activate your membership after your first dues payment’s been received. Once your membership is activated you’ll get access to the IWW’s online member services (the IWW Member’s Area, Forum, etc.). Our Membership Team will confirm your membership activation via email.

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Only a limited number of authorised IWW Officers with access to the database will be able to view your data. They will handle the data according to the IWW WISE-RA Privacy Policy, and the Data Processor Agreement that they have signed.

You can read the IWW WISE-RA Privacy and Data Protection Policy at the following URL:

IWW Privacy and Data Protection Policy

In Solidarity,
The IWW WISE-RA Membership Department.