Fellow Workers,

This is the registration form for Branch Delegates and observers at the 2024 IWW WISE-RA Conference.

The conference is scheduled from the 24th - 26th May. Any IWW member may attend the conference in person, at the Trinity Centre in Bristol (BS2 ONW), or online via Zoom.

As well as motions for branch delegates to vote on, there will be a wide range of talks, workshops, and social events to participate in.

Please submit this form by 1st May, 2024.

If you have any questions or would like to host an event as part of the conference please email secretary@iww.org.uk.

In solidarity,

Sab Cat, IWW WISE-RA Co-Secretary.


Number of delegates allowed for each General Members Branch.

The ratio of delegates to members is 1:35, as agreed by Delegate Executive Council. Each branch is allowed the following number of delegates:

  • Brighton: 2
  • Bristol: 12
  • Clydeside: 8
  • Cymru-Wales: 5
  • Dorset: 1
  • East Midlands & Eastern: 4
  • Edinburgh: 6
  • Ireland: 5
  • West Yorkshire (Leeds-Bradford): 6
  • London: 19
  • Manchester: 6
  • Northumbria: 2
  • Reading: 4
  • Sheffield: 3
  • West Midlands: 10
  • Netherlands: 1
  • Italia: 1

Each branch is allowed to carry 1 proxy vote per attendee, if not enough delegates can attend Conference as is allocated to each branch by the ratio.

We also need:

  • 1) Chairs - People to help facilitate the discussion.
  • 2) Hand/Chat trackers - People to keep an eye on Zoom for FWs raising hands to speak.
  • 3) Time keeper - People to keep an eye on how long FWs have been speaking.
  • 4) Minute taker - People to write a summary of the discussions and accurate records from votes.
  • 5) Break Out Events - People to run break out sessions at conference on topics related to organising, committees and your interests.

Conference can't happen without volunteers, so please encourage your members to help the work along!
