The current bloodshed in Gaza is a horrifying reminder to redouble our opposition to all war, except only the struggle against the injustice of the oppressed.

Our branch condemns this genocide carried out by the Israeli government. We offer our solidarity and voices to the Palestinian people, our hands and anger to help the Palestinian trade unions, and our money and love to the tireless Palestinian medics.

A fellow worker in the IWW once said, “Since our founding in 1905, the IWW has championed solidarity across the boundaries of race, trade, gender, and country, which the authorities would use to divide us.”

In this spirit, we call on all working people and people of conscience everywhere: Use your voices, call for a ceasefire; Use your bodies, block the armaments; And use your money if you can, donate to the medical services, and support the Palestinians workers by buying their products.

As a branch, we passed a motion in our November meeting to donate £750 to Medical Aid for Palestine. We encourage anyone to donate where they can, and actively support Palestinian solidarity movements and campaigns, as many in our branch already have! We also ask fellow workers to engage with the BDS campaign and boycott and picket businesses highlighted by said campaign.

When Palestine is wounded, we are all wounded. An injury to one is an injury to all.

Solidarity, fellow workers!