At this meeting we’ll discuss two chapters from Marxist geographer David Harvey’s new book; those on capital and labour contractions and social reproduction.

Harvey sets out to follow “Marx’s method” if not automatically reproducing his theoretical outcomes and strategies. By “Marx’s method” Harvey is referring to dialectics and he explicitly mentions a book by another contemporary NY based Marxist Bertell Ollman on this method called ‘the dance of the dialectic’.

For people who are not familiar with the jargon the concepts themselves are not hard to grasp. The book is clearly written and offers a range of potential strategies capable of exploiting contradictions within capitalism. Some of these strategies are a bit surprising coming from a Marxist as vocally critical of autonomism and anarchism as Harvey, but I think that speaks of his commitment to the method he advocates.

Hopefully it will be warm enough to sit outside for this talk. Please share this event.

The text’s here: