IWW BAME Officer Andrea Gilbert, bame [at] iww [dot] org [dot] uk
The IWW BAME officer in solidarity with Ethnic minority LGBT fellow workers in the IWW during LGBT History month. According to the LGBT- Home and communities report Ethnic minority LGBT people face persistent challenges in feeling comfortable with their sexual orientation or gender identity amongst Family and friends.
The report highlights deep challenges Ethnic minority LGBT people face. With alarming levels of racism experienced by Black, Asian and minority ethnic LGBT people. A significant number of trans people, bi people, disabled LGBT and people in Faith groups who are LGBT feel excluded within the LGBT community.
UK Black Pride is “Europe’s largest celebration for African, Asia, Middle Eastern, American and Caribbean-heritage LGBTQ people. It is a safe space to celebrate diverse identities, cultures, gender expressions and backgrounds and we foster, represent and celebrate Black LGBTQ and QTIPOC culture through education, the arts, cultural events and advocacy. Importantly, UK Black Pride promotes unity and cooperation among LGBTQ people of diasporic communities in the UK, as well as their friends and families.”
Traveller Pride is a loose collective made up of Travellers who are LGBT. The aim of the platform is to provide a safe space for the intersectional community. The group acts as a network that provides guidance, support, and information to make life easier for LGBT Travellers. The organisation launched on the 6th July 2019 having a march in London and are currently working on what the organisation will become moving forwards.