IWW members from across Ireland joined with thousands at the March for Choice in Dublin on 30/09/2017. An Injury to One is an Injury to All!
“None so fitted to break the chains as they who wear them, none so well equipped to decide what is a fetter” — James Connolly, Women’s Rights, The Reconquest of Ireland, 1915

The IWW is proud to participate in the fight to demand that abortion be decriminalised and made available as a free, safe and legal health service for all women* who need it, through the HSE or NHS (*by ‘women’ we mean to include trans men, non binary people and anyone who can get pregnant).
Reproductive healthcare is not a matter for the courts. It is a human right that provides well-being for women and should form part of the broader healthcare available to citizens to ensure they can avail of services which will help them to live better lives with the respect and the dignity they deserve.
However, we know too well that the control of reproductive rights is a measure of the capitalist system to effect control over the working population and women bear the brunt of this. Not only are women expected to be the breeders of the next generation of workers but they are also expected to carry out all the duties of care to preserve a male dominated power structure, which maintains male gender and class privileges.
Hence, women are more likely to work part-time in low-paid/often nonunionised jobs and have fewer opportunities, leading to a feminisation of poverty.
The right of women to have full control of their reproductive choices is essential to improve their workers’ rights and therefore their overall lives.
As workers we fund the Health Services; as workers we demand free, safe, legal abortion now!
Industrial Workers of the World
Email: ireland [at] iww [dot] org [dot] uk
Online: iwwireland.wordpress.com