The London IWW has learned that a Deliveroo delivery driver was killed in London on Tuesday, after being attacked and beaten by bike thieves while on the job.
The driver, whose identity we are keeping anonymous out of respect for privacy, was a courier for Deliveroo, primarily working out of the Editions kitchen in Battersea. Hospitalized for injuries sustained resisting the attack, we have now sadly been informed by one of his fellow workers that he died as a result of these injuries.
In response, over 200 of his fellow drivers gathered this evening in central London and organised a spontaneous procession through the streets of the city, in protest against this murder and the “gig economy” working conditions that expose drivers to this same risk each and every day.
This event is tragic and heartbreaking, but it was also sadly predictable. In our precarious gig economy, workers are forced into weaker and weaker positions, and are placed in real danger by the continuous worsening of conditions imposed by management. As taking increasingly risky work for lower pay slowly becomes the norm, as bosses refuse to make any meaningful investment in worker training or protection, at some point an assault of this sort becomes inevitable. We believe that nobody should ever be forced to accept the risk of physical assault as the price of a job or a wage.
The IWW stands side by side with all those who participated in this protest, and wishes to make it clear that we are as outraged by this murder as they are. We extend our condolences and solidarity to the driver’s family, loved ones, friends and coworkers.

Londres IWW ouviu recentemente sobre a morte de um mensageiro trabalhando para a Deliveroo.
Ele foi espancado por ladrões de bicicleta e morreu de seus ferimentos no hospital após o ataque. Em resposta a isso, mais de 200 motoristas se dirigiram espontaneamente para o Parlamento a partir das Edições Deliveroo, onde ele costumava trabalhar. Ladrões de bicicletas atacam regularmente e atacam correios que estão trabalhando duro para sobreviver em Londres.
Correios merecem trabalhar livres de perigo, mas o problema está sendo ignorado pelo governo e as grandes empresas. Trabalhar como motorista é difícil e perigoso, mas se os motoristas se unirem como fizeram hoje, poderão mudar isso. Entre em contato conosco para que possamos apoiar você e seus colegas. Finalmente, gostaríamos de expressar nossas sinceras condolências à família, amigos e colegas de trabalho da vítima.
Um ferimento a um é um prejuízo para todos