This is a letter of protest to the Iraq government who continue to interfere with internal Union affairs.
We the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) write to you to call for an end to the harassment against Trade Union Activists in the oil sector.
We insist you overturn the penalties applied against 26 Workers who were participating in a peaceful demonstration against corporate corruption, as is their right.
You need to respect peoples right to freedom of association as well as expression and remain from interfering in internal Union affairs.
We also call for you to drop all disciplinary actions against Ahdul Kareem Abdul Sada, Vice President of the General Federation of Trade Unions and Workers Councils of Iraq (GFTUWCI) – Basra Branch, Hassan Juma’a Awwad, President of the Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions (IFOU), Adel Abood, a board member of the southern oil Union of the IFOU, Abdul Khaliq Naser, a member of the GFTUWCI Oil Union and reinstate them to their previous positions with their previous salaries.
Workers have a right to engage in Union activities without fear of reprisals and punishment from capitalist government agencies.
Looking forward to some positive news on these violations of basic human rights soon.
Andy Smith, International Solidarity Liaison Officer