Book launch and commemoration of the end of the Miners Strike
Dave Douglass of the National Union of Mineworkers talks about his first hand, front-line experience of the minersstrikes, and launches his new book, Ghost Dancers.
Ghost Dancers the final book in Dave Douglass’s trilogy, will be launched to coincide with the 25th anniversary of the miners’ strike. A first person view of this last generation of the miners and their union, written by a participant at the sharp end of that struggle, the book explodes the prevailing myths around the strike. It also uniquely covers the post strike period. Inspired by the last stand of the native Americans, Ghost Dancers records the last stand of the last generation of pitmen and their communities.
Dave Douglass, a coalminer for 40 years, in the Durham and Doncaster coalfields, was an NUM official for 25 years and is still a full member of the NUM, and the Industrial Workers of the World.
Free/donation, All Welcome!
7.30pm-9pm, Friday 23rd April
Augustine Church, George 4th Bridge, Edinburgh
Hosted by the Industrial Workers of the World: Edinburgh Branch