A training by the London IWW and the TEFL Workers’ Union
Insufficient PPE. Lack of COVID protocols. Ignoring concerns. Bullying workers who raise safety issues.
The COVID crisis has made it all-too-clear: Far too often and in far too many ways, employers will sacrifice our safety in the name of profit.
Now more than ever, it’s important that we know our rights – and how to exercise those rights.
The TEFL Workers’ Union (IWW) and the London branch of the IWW are hosting an online training session that covers:
- your right to a safe working environment
- what responsibilities your employer has
- how to raise concerns
- your options if your employer won’t adequately address your concerns
The training is free and is open to all workers, including members of the IWW, other unions, and no union. In keeping with IWW policy, union events are not open to managers.
The training will be on Sunday 31st January at 6:00 pm on Zoom. There will be a presentation that lasts approximately 45 minutes, followed by a question and answer session.
The Zoom details will be shared via IWW email lists. If you’re not a member of the IWW, you can email for details:
if you work in a language school: tefl [at] iww [dot] org [dot] uk
for all other industries: london.organiser [at] iww [dot] org [dot] uk