If you are an IWW WISE-RA member, you may have noticed that we are migrating to a new email server with the help of Web Architects, a co-operative who hosts some of the union’s infrastructure.
The Migration
On Saturday the 25th of August 2018, we will be switching to a new email infrastructure and this means the way you access your IWW email account(s) will change.
You will not be able to access or use any of your IWW email accounts on the 25th August 2018. During that 24 hour period, the IWW IT Committee and Web Architects will be migrating your account(s) from the old server to the new one.
On Friday 17th August, we sent members an important email containing instructions for logging in to the new system.
If you did not receive that message, please search for it in your junk mail folder. If you have not received anything, please contact the comms admin or drop into #techsupport on WobChat.
Choosing and storing your passwords securely is an important part of being a union member. You can find tips on creating strong passwords in this handy guide from the EFF.
The easiest way of generating and storing all your passwords is using a password manager. We recommend KeepassXC on desktop and laptop. KeePassDX on Android and MiniKeePass on iOS.
Account Settings
You can login to adjust your important email account settings here:
You can access your email via webmail here:
Third Party Clients
You should be able to setup your email account in third party email clients. We recommend Thunderbird on desktop/laptop, K-9 Mail on Android and the default Apple Mail app on iOS.
Some extra instructions for getting setup with third party clients can be found on the Web Architects Wiki.